



Care Property Invest’s commitment to sustainability is reflected in its annual evaluations of ESG performance based on industry best practices.


With the results and feedback from these evaluations, the company aims to improve its sustainability practices by focusing even more on sustainability within its activities.


To achieve this goal, Care Property Invest has participated in a number of sustainability assessments. The company’s sustainability report was evaluated by EPRA sBPR and for the first time awarded the EPRA sBPR Gold Award in 2022. The company has also participated in S&P Global’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment and GRESB, which provided valuable insights into its ESG performance and allowed it to benchmark against its peers. These assessments helped us identify risks, opportunities and impact areas in its portfolio.


The company’s sustainability efforts have also been recognised by Triodos Bank, which selected Care Property Invest as a sustainable investment for its Sustainable Investment Funds and private banking clients. In addition, the company has been included in Belfius Equities Bel=Go, a fund that focuses on investing in companies that create and maintain sustainable quality jobs in Belgium. Furthermore, Care Property Invest’s sustainability efforts have been recognised by Kepler Cheuvreux, which awarded the company an ESG score of 3.2/5 in 2021. Kepler Cheuvreux recognised the company’s efforts and transition, expecting a shift in ESG performance in the upcoming years. We also continue to support the UN Global Compact in all our activities. This commitment involves endorsing ten principles that are essential to four core areas, namely human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.


The company has also participated in S&P Global’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment and GRESB, which provided valuable insights into its ESG performance and allowed it to benchmark against its peers. These assessments helped us identify risks, opportunities and impact areas in its portfolio.



The company’s sustainability efforts have also been recognised by Triodos Bank, which selected Care Property Invest as a sustainable investment for its Sustainable Investment Funds and private banking clients. In addition, the company has been included in Belfius Equities Bel=Go, a fund that focuses on investing in companies that create and maintain sustainable quality jobs in Belgium. Furthermore, Care Property Invest’s sustainability efforts have been recognised by Kepler Cheuvreux, which awarded the company an ESG score of 3.2/5 in 2021. Kepler Cheuvreux recognised the company’s efforts and transition, expecting a shift in ESG performance in the upcoming years. We also continue to support the UN Global Compact in all our activities. This commitment involves endorsing ten principles that are essential to four core areas, namely human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.

Triodos Research for Sustainable Investment

The assessment was based on environmental, social and governance criteria. These results are used for Triodos Sustainable Investment Funds and Triodos Private Banking clients.

Care Property Invest was selected by Triodos Research as a sustainable investment, with the screening carried out as part of the selection process for Triodos Sustainable Investment Funds, which focus on companies that contribute to sustainable development.

CO2- neutral headquarters – Reforestation and Conservation Project in Guatemala

Om de CO2-uitstoot van onze hoofdzetel te compenseren, besloot de Vennootschap om haar krachten te bundelen met het baanbrekende Belgische milieuadviesbureau CO2 Logic en in samenwerking met hen het global gecertificeerde klimaatproject in het Guatemalteekse nationale park ‘Sierra del Lacadón’ mee te ondersteunen. Het “Guatemala Reforestation and Conservation Project” focust op de implementatie van maatregelen om de ontbossing als gevolg van niet-duurzame landbouwtechnieken te verminderen, alsook de invoering van een beter lokaal bestuur om het land en de inheemse bevolking te beschermen. Dit resulteert in de vermindering van illegale praktijken in en rondom het park. Naast een vermindering in de uitstoot van broeikasgassen zal het project ook bijdragen aan:

  • Cultureel en gemeenschapsbehoud
  • De preventie van (verdere) milieuschade
  • De bescherming van de biodiversiteit
  • Een sterker lokaal bestuur